Upwork vs Fiverr: Which is Best for Online Business Owners?

  Hello guys welcome to this article so in today's video we are going to compare which is actually   better easy a pork or is it fiverr okay so if you're actually new to my website all you have to do is follow my website. 

Upwork vs Fiverr: Which is Best for Online Business Owners?
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Okay so basically as you can see i have upwork opened and i also have fiverr opened i'm going to um compare both of them with you and after that i'm going to explain which is actually better when it comes to um selecting or trying to work with any of them okay. 

So as you can see upwork is um both of them are actually freelance and freelancing platform where you can actually get jobs or you can actually freelance online and make money for yourself okay so if you actually um new to the freelancing business you may actually be wondering like which is actually better.    

Is it a pork or is it fiverr i'll just tell you straight up both of them are actually good they're   actually good and they're amazing and imagine you combining both of book and fiverr you can actually   make tons of money without even having to um work for any um company or any company agency. 

Okay   so yes as you can see fiverr um is a platform where you can um offer your skill you go for   your skill like you just don't like just like five what i mean explain your spin fiber in this way   on fiverr fiverr and oppo actually different platforms. 

But they are actually for freelancing   fiverr is more of like a platform whereby you tell people what you are going to do for them   okay like you have to tell them what you want to do for them like i'm going to do this for you   and you can spend the amount of money. 

So i can help you do this but on upwork this is opposite   the client is coming to you it's telling that okay i want you to help me do this and now and this is   the amount of money i have as you can see they are both different platform op is um opposite of   fiverr.

Or i can say fiverr is opposite of upwork yeah because since fiverr has to do with you you   telling the um clients that i will do this for you and i will charge you this if i'm to do it for you   button up work is opposite the client is going to tell you that okay this is. 

What i want you to   have me do and i'm going to anna and this is the amount i have to offer do you accept yes or no yes   so that's just how it is okay so which of them is actually better as you can see i actually do   some such a default gig on fiverr.

And also on poc so i should show you um the difference between it   i search for data marketing on oppo and also digital marketing on fiverr as you can see data   marketing on fiverr people are actually posting uh we do diy uh marketing strategy and plan   okay then strategy plan and manage your digital marketing and lots. 

Ore as you can see   different um different people are offering different kind of services to people they   are trying to render render their own service to people and your notebook the client is requesting   for a professional who can actually do that for you guys to do a particular thing as you can see   the person. 

The person is saying that okay can you help me um do youtube article tom topic research   and i'm going to pay for i'm going to pay you this amount of money and an other person saying market a   market since that's advertising and now. 

I'm saying digital markets and stuff brand new promotion and   yes as you can see they also have the hours and diverse duration and experience level okay so   another difference between upwork and fiverr is up on upboard since the client is actually   telling you to do this for them you have to send in proposals. 

It's more like your number they   actually always say it's actually implemented the normal um normal job proposal stuff when you're   trying to call and get the new clients whereby you have to send them proposals when you send them   various proposals and your proposal have to beat other competitors. 

It's okay on the platform   yes like now for example you're trying to get the proposal for it by contract um proposal   sorry consider a contract job to build maybe the next london bridge yeah something like that and   you need to need to give them. 

You need to give the government a tizen offer and you also need   to tell them what function that bridge is going to have that is going to beat all that bridge   are you going to basically beat the current um london bridge okay something like that yeah. 

So on   up book you need to send in proposals engaging proposals that's going to help that client   okay in order for you to win that job but on fiverr the client is just going to select   between all the services like now i said i searched on fiverr that i need digital   marketing i'm looking forward so i'm looking for a digital marketing um service or i'm looking for   someone i can't even do anything. 

That i related to digital marketing and now i'm seeing various   um previous users that i've actually posted something that's okay i can't do this i can   do this i can't do this this one said i can be um i will be your social media manager and   digital marketing experts. 

Okay imagine i needed um a social media manager for my business then what i   have to do is come to this guy after saying here come to this guy then i'm just going to um click   on this geek so once i click on this gig then the next thing i would say is i'm sure i'm going   to see various levels um we will i cannot charge. 

Okay as you can see we have different kind of plan   basic standard and premium depending on the one i want and each of these plans have different uh   defense offers okay there are different offers basically as you can see and their pricing are   also different okay. 

So yeah this person actually told me that we let me do this for this for this   for this for this amount but you're on a book once okay let me see okay this client said you need um   okay you need a  specialist i can just go ahead and click on this once i click on this   i'm just going to see the red details of what the client explained. 

I want you to help me do this   this is amount of money as you can see the client side is going to is going to charge it's going to   pay 10 dollars to 30 dollars per hour most of the time most of these clients actually pay 10   dollars per hour or depending on the or depending on your level experience level. 

Basically if you're   an expert then they're going to pay you way more because they believe that yes you're an expert and   you actually know what you're actually doing most of the time okay so as you can see these are just   let's give you a brief and you have to article. 

So you have to um you have to sorry i'm not logged   into my account now so you can actually see that button there's a button that says submit proposal   instead of post a job like this you're going to see somebody's proposal so once you submit your   proposal you're just going to see so you can see here you see you can see a section that says um um   writes a purpose that's something you're proposing like you're going to write um write a proposal.   

What you're going to offer to this particular um user then from there these are going to review   your um proposals okay yes i want this person to work for me okay yeah so that's it guys on on   how uh how both platforms actually work when it comes to getting jobs yes and also to create an   account is very easy on both platforms but also you need to optimize your pro your your   your profile very well very well. 

When it comes to upwork you need to make sure you your profile look   professional when it comes to fiverr you need to make sure your profile look professional as well   and you need to make sure that you know on file on fiverr you can actually offer just one skill that   will actually generate you multiple incomes like regularly. 

Because on um on five i want to post   once i post a single gig and that keeps generating you sales you don't need to create um like keep   creating a new gig on that same stuff people are going to see that same gig and they're going to   keep on coming back to you but on upboard you have to keep on sending in proposals to different jobs   every day okay. 

So yes so that is guys so which of them do you actually think is actually bet which   of them sorry which of them sorry which of them is actually better or which of them you actually   prefer is it the oppo or is it fiverr with this little explanation i've made in this article. 

                                                                                           Thanks for reading.

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